Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Ghost In The Third Row

This book is about a pre teen girl named Nina that is a committed actress and singer. She decides to go to an audition at this old theater in her town for a play called "The Woman In White". The play was based on an event that took place in the 1930's in this same theater which ended up with a murder. Nina and another girl named Chris befriend each other right away when both are cast in the play. They both witnessed seeing the ghost of the woman that died 50 years previous to this and express an interest in finding out more about her past. Once rumors spread around that the ghost is trying to sabotage this play, the girls try to dig into the past and find out who her killer is. Little did they know that the convicted killer's daughter, Lydia (who went by a different last name) was cast as the leading role. It was her in the end that confessed to doing everything she could to get the play to come to an end.

This book is one that will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. Although it is primarily recommended for people a little younger than me, i still thought it was pretty interesting. It kept me focused with all of the suspense going on. I really liked the ending a lot, it was nice considering all of the bad things that happened to the characters throughout the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest for mysteries.